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Does one of you lash out and the other withdraw?  Do the two of you lock horns in frustratingly unsatisfying arguments?  Do you mutually withdraw?  Are you avoiding sex?  In the science literature, these patterns of behavior are referred to as your attachment style.  Your attachment style (developed in childhood) drives unconscious behaviors that lead to disconnection and/or damaging.  Let me help you disrupt your dysfunctional patterns and replace them with new, grown-up strategies to get your needs met and address your problems. In therapy, make the shift from blaming your partner for your unhappiness to taking responsibility for your choices. It will free you in unexpected and powerful ways.  


Are you defined by ill-fitting roles or expectations of others?  Are you honoring your interests and callings?  Most of us were raised to be nice, to fit in.  We learn to adapt, leading to: anxiety, depression, addictions, and frustrating relationships. Integral to personal and spiritual growth is the process of making sense of our past and coming to terms with things as they are.  In this way, we can move forward, not free from our past, but free from its control over us.  

In therapy, find clarity on what is right for you and how to share your unique gifts with the world.


Infidelity or relationship betrayal can be a painful, traumatic experience.  Does it necessitate the end of a relationship, or is it a symptom of something missing?  In therapy, we can explore these questions together.  I can guide you through a healing and rebuilding process, leading to a stronger, more connected relationship.  Alternatively, I can guide you through a separation process, allowing you to separate peacefully or go forward able to cooperate as co-parents. 


Anxiety can be caused by a chronic state of worry (anticipation of problems) or unprocessed memories or emotions. In therapy, we learn to make space for our feelings, allow them to exist.  We soften our relationship to all aspects of ourselves, leading to increased feelings of self-acceptance and the ability to cultivate a relaxed alertness.  We learn to weather the storms of our emotions and allow them to pass, rather than anesthetize or distract with substances, activities or relationships that diminish us.  








When is the best time to plant a tree?   20 years ago.  

When is the second best time to plant a tree?  Today.  

E-mail me.  Let's get started.

Relationship Communication Workshops Available


Workshop offered periodically


Affordable and on Zoom


Contact Me To Learn More

Albuquerque, NM

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